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Engineer the Next Robot
The Robotics Engineering, B.S., offered through Miami University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is a multi-disciplinary field that encompasses skills from several engineering areas including electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering as well as computer science.
Robotics involves many leading-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, image and video processing, electronics, control algorithms, industrial automation, hydraulics, pneumatics, and newly developed navigation methods for robotic systems.
Contact Information
Chi-Hao Cheng, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Garland Hall 260
650 E. High St., Oxford, OH 45056
Curriculum and Courses
Robotics Engineering major includes courses from electrical and computer engineering, computer science, and mechanical engineering, and specialized courses for robotics engineering. Some course choices include:
- CSE 488 Image Processing and Computer Vision
- ECE 314 Elements of Robotics
- ECE 317 Industrial Robotics
- ECE 414 Design and Modeling of Robotic Systems
- MME 438 Mechanics, Analysis, and Control of Robots
Why study Robotics Engineering at Miami University?
Miami University offers the longest-running Robotics Engineering B.S. undergraduate program in Ohio, a state which has evolved into a hotbed of activity when it comes to robotics and manufacturing engineering. With dedicated labs for robotics engineering, small class sizes, and one-on-one mentoring and research opportunities, Miami University is the ideal location for diving into the exciting world of robotics engineering.
Robotics Engineering majors can take advantage of dedicated robotics labs on our Oxford campus, such as:
Industrial Robotics Laboratory
Equipped with state-of-the-art industrial robotics components, this dedicated robotics laboratory gives undergraduate students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge learned in class to real-world applications that demonstrate robotic principles. In this lab, students also have the opportunity to become certified in a leading manufacturer of robotic systems, which is a certification many employers seek in job candidates.
Mobile Robots and Systems Control Laboratory
This laboratory offers undergraduate students the opportunity to experiment wih NI-Elvis boards, LabVIEW and MultiSim software, virtual instruments (function generator, oscilloscope, etc.), sensors and actuators, microcontrollers, and the Quanser Qube-Servo 2 along with the linear servo base unit, seesaw and inverted pendulum attachments.
Additional Opportunities

Undergraduate Research
Work with faculty on robotics research in areas such as autonomous platforms and vehicles.

Experiential Learning
Take on a year-long professional robotics engineering design project during your senior year.

Student Testimonial
Check in with Ethan Chapel ‘24 to learn why he chose Miami University for robotics engineering.
Facts and Stats
Your college experience here will be one of the most exciting times of your life. To make sure of this, we’ll provide you with a powerful support system.
Average starting salary for 2023 graduates of Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering degree programs
NACE Salary Survey, Summer 2024
Miami University is home to the first 4-year Robotics Engineering undergraduate degree to be established in the state of Ohio
National Public Undergraduate Engineering Program – No Doctorate (Excluding Military Institutions)
This is Where Your Journey to Miami University Begins
Explore what it means to be a college student at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where students prepare to go anywhere and everywhere. We’ll be here to help every step of the way as you prepare for college admission, enrollment, and success.