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Leadership, Culture, and Curriculum Doctorate
The Ph.D. in Educational Leadership is an integrated approach to educational leadership that embraces the new world of education so that leaders are prepared to meet the needs of diverse student populations and communities through an array of educational institutions and programs.
Format and Curriculum
Miami University’s Educational Leadership, Ph.D. program offers flexibility for working professionals. Our course delivery model includes primarily synchronous face-to-face learning and some synchronous online learning. For new students living 50 or more miles from the Voice of America Center, a hyflex enrollment option may be available.
It is based on our department’s Seven Principles, which are also reflected in the program’s goals for learners in the Ed.D. program.
- EDL 762: Culture and Leadership in Education
- EDL 771: Educational Policy Analysis
- EDL 764: Education and Democratic Society
- EDL 765: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Diversity
- EDL 730: New Literacies for Educational Leadership
At Miami, there’s something for everyone.
Admissions Requirements
Admission is limited to no more than 20 students each year. The admissions process is competitive, resulting in a select group of highly motivated, capable students. This provides opportunities for close interaction between students and faculty and enhanced placement opportunities.
Candidates must apply and be accepted by both the Graduate School and the Department of Educational Leadership. The Graduate School requires an applicant to have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.75 (or 3.0 in the last 60 hours).
Other minimum entrance requirements:
- Completion of an undergraduate degree
- Two letters of reference
- Statement of purpose
- Written essay application and interview
Additional Opportunities
Interdisciplinary Option
The Ph.D. program also offers an interdisciplinary option that is individualized for the needs of students in new and emerging fields as well as in traditional disciplines.
Graduate Assistantships
Assistantships may be available – there are usually only a few each year and are highly competitive.
Facts and Stats
College for Producing Fortune 500 CEOs Nationwide
National Public University
Post-Graduation Success Rate
Miami University Data
National Public University
U.S. News u0026 World Report, 2020
This is Where Your Journey to Miami University Begins
Explore what it means to be a college student at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where students prepare to go anywhere and everywhere. We’ll be here to help every step of the way as you prepare for college admission, enrollment, and success.